The Lambda Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated was chartered on October 8, 1977 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T). The inspiration for this Chapter was Mary Hope, a dean at M.I.T., who felt that an effective group was needed through which Black women on predominantly white campuses could communicate and help each other.

     Lambda Upsilon's membership consists of the college campuses of Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Wellesley College. The charter members are Doris Armour, Celia Berry, Lisa Egbuonu, Pamela Hampton, Helene Hanson, Elaine Harris, Janie Harris, Nola Hylton, Sheila Luster, Leslye Miller, Connie Nathan, Stephanie Posey, Cordelia Price, Yolanda Tanner, Panchita Terry, Deborah Thompson, and Diane Waters.

     Through the years, Lambda Upsilon has been committed to sisterhood and service to all mankind. It has participated in community service in the Greater Boston and Cambridge community and has implemented programs on each of the national platforms. Lambda Upsilon carries a rich tradition of excellence and vows to continue blazing a trail for others to follow.